Box of Art


The Box of Art™ is Bearhole’s trademark 12×12 cm art square, representing timeless notions in our society at large. Today’s edition is entitled Blakroc.

Box of Art: Blakroc

By in-house art aficionado and all-round
know-it-all Jacques Prélude

Box of Art – Blakroc

Bearhole surprises friend and enemy with this illuminative Box of Art entitled Blakroc. A seemingly motionless center reflects the quote “Stars So Bright You Could Reach Up And Kiss One”, thereby referring to the track On The Vista by rap-rock formation Blakroc. An undefined gravity field surrounding the center contains what appears to be wifi-signals, Farty Pigmac’s, turds and spirals, reminding us of a previous BOA entitled Spirals Galore.  Unmatched in its simplicity, this brave expression of pop culture compressed in a tiny yet radiant box receives my full appreciation. Five stars. (jp)

4 replies on “Blakroc”

That’s what I call thinking outside the box! Reminds me of my time at Cercle Bruges; once at training we were so far outside of the box, we couldn’t find it afterwards! Had to buy a new box!! Good times…

Amazing story, Glen. Nice to get a top coach perspective. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with your further career at RFC Zwevezele or wherever the f*ck you are now!

Just write what you're thinking right now!